2 min readJul 20, 2021


Governance at Covalent

In every modern project, the community is the basis, the larger the fanbase and the more loyal the community, the more opportunities open up for the project. The Covalent project already has more than 100,000 participants in various social networks who can participate in the development of the project by participating in the forum The project management has done everything possible for the convenience and quick feedback of the community — a fair majority vote ensures honesty and transparency.

It’s easy to vote for an acceptable option — you need to be a member of the platform and have the required number of tokens.
In my opinion, the project lacks a staking function so that, in addition to rewards, there is still an opportunity to vote and make changes through hold and staking CQT tokens.
We expect updates from both the management and the project participants, because every day the project is growing more and more, attracting a huge number of people!

